Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Welcome To Our Blog

Hey, I'm Modean. I live with a roommate named Goofch. We get bored. We started a blog.

We live in a small room under the stairs. I know where the cookies are stored. I'm not usually hungry but it's good to know these things so that after I take over The House, I'll know where to find food. I also know where there is a secret stash of clean water in the plant-watering pitcher. I haven't told Goofch about that yet because he'll eat and drink all the emergency supplies before we have a chance to stage our coup.

I like to think of Goofch as my army, and I am his general. He'll do what I tell him to, but his loyalty is tenuous. As soon as The People come home, he's all about them. Now don't get me wrong- I love the people. They scratch me and feed me and control The House. But I have higher ambitions than to be someone's dog. I want to be a homeowner. I want to run a small business. I want to control energy prices and hold offshore accounts. I'm more than happy to let The People work for me.

But, in the meantime, I'm staying below the radar and playing this dog-pet thing. I can make slow progress with an internet connection and a few credit cards. Already I've sold off most of our less desirable towels on EBay.

I'm also teaching Goofch to type. I can't be his scribe forever. That guy's got to learn to do a few things for himself. He'll try his "hand" with a new entry later on today.

We have comments, but I can't figure out how to keep the Haloscan comments and drop the Blogger comments. Use the one at the bottom for comments.


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